In a motorboat with a sunroof from Webasto on the west coast of France

Sliding roofs and sunroofs on yachts, sailboats, motorboats, and other vessels catch the eye of only the most practiced maritime people. In the marine community, sunroofs, panorama roofs and convertible roofs from Webasto have an excellent reputation. As the world market leader in this field, Webasto has already produced over 8,000 sunroofs for boats.

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easyway by Webasto

What is the secret of Webasto sunroofs, why are the owners so excited when they finally sit under a sunroof from Webasto? Nicolas Venance from the YouTube channel "ActuNautique - Yachting Art" has met a happy owner in Port Bourgenais, at the west coast of France. Daniel has equipped his Beneteau motorboat "Jeanneau Merry Fisher" with a new BlueSky sunroof from Webasto. The spry retiree came to motor boating late in life. Before, his major water sports had been canoeing and sailing.


Easy installation of the sunroof pleases boat owners

In the video, Daniel proudly shows his motorboat. He uses his boat to go fishing at sea for several days. When the old sunroof kept dripping and leaking, he upgraded to a sunroof from Webasto. He chose a dark sunroof with a stylish black frame that completely matched the interior design. "

The sunroof adds incredible value to my boat," says a delighted Daniel, who now doesn't have to worry about dripping sunroofs. The BlueSky sunroof not only beautifies the boat, it is also lighter than the original sunroof and therefore saves more fuel. All sunroofs from Webasto meet the highest quality standards. For example, it takes about four weeks for the roofs to complete the entire production process, from bending the frame, painting, gluing, and curing to packaging.

In the second part of the video, Grégory Nicolas from Atlantica, a Beneteau reseller, explains the steps his team took to install the new sunroof. The removal of the existing sunroof still proved to be the most difficult measure. "The preparatory measures are important. Here you have to work carefully to make sure the new sunroof fits perfectly," says Grégory. In the video, he shows how the new sunroof was installed, sealed and how the mechanism was adjusted so that Daniel can open the electric sunroof smoothly.

The detailed video from ActuNautique is in French with English subtitles, but the gorgeous images of Daniel's sun-drenched motorboat in a small harbor on the French west coast speak for themselves. They whet the appetite for the next boating season next spring - with a new sunroof from Webasto.

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easyway by Webasto